Category Archives: News


Accelerole was chosen as one of Europe’s top 54 startups. Accelerole was selected for participation in the largest multi-corporate accelerator program in Central and Eastern Europe – weXelerate. One of the world’s largest innovation hubs was recently born at the prestigious Design Tower designed by Jean Nouvel in Vienna, Austria. On 4 floors and 9.000sqm […]

HR Club 2016 – December Winners

Congratulations to all participants and thank you for taking part in the Accelerole contest! The lucky winners for the 10 x 128GB USB Memory Sticks are: Cornoiu Claudiu Ionescu Alexandru Marian Glodeanu Dragos Stoian Dragos Alexandru Gheban Dragos Anitei Eliza Matei Florin Bumbu Irina Croitoru Roxana Aninosanu Irina We will contact the winners shortly for […]

4 Pre-Training Gamification Techniques That Will Prepare and Motivate Your Employees

With a growing trend, in terms of costs, you want to make sure your employees make the most of that training. That they come prepared and motivated. Well, there’s exactly one thing you need to do for that. And it’s called pre-evaluation mobile training. In other words, all the things you need to do before […]

Content creation advice & trends from Fibra 2016: highlights of the first 3 days

We live in a connected, digital world where more and more of your consumers are moving their attention to a different mix of channels. We already know this. But how will it influence content creation? Here are some points discussed at Fibra in the last 3 days on content: Deliver Emotions. Laura Nedelschi, Senior Copywriter DDB Romania […]

What research says matters most: before, during and after training – ATD Key Learning

Day 1, ATD Conference 2016, Denver, USA Training people should not be to make them able to take tests, but to improve them and make them better at what they do. Learning transfer is crucial and how it’s applied on the job impacts later job performance. This is why, learning transfer in the fundamental desired outcome […]

Actionable advice on how to create micro-experiences in the Mobile Training of your Sales Department – ATD Key Learning

Sales enablement is not new, but training and engaging the sales force on their mobile devices is too new a field for anyone to be an expert at it. However, the past few years offered a lot of valuable lessons on how to leverage technology for your sales team. You feel you’ve been already hearing about […]

Simon Sinek “Leaders eat last”, a model for cooperation inspired by biology – ATD Key Learning

Simon Sinek rocked the stage at ATD 2016 with the session “Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Come Together and Others Don’t” in a discussion about the biology of paying it forward. As human beings, we appreciate people that give time and energy – the things that we cannot get back. It feels nice to do […]

Afaceri de 250.000 EUR

„Accelerole este folosită ca o platformă de învăţare, dar şi de distribuţie de conţinut, într-un mod simplificat, uşor de gestionat de către companiile medii şi mari cu care lu­crăm. Utilizatorii platformei sunt angajaţii şi persoanele cheie pentru succesul lor care nu sunt prezenţi în sediul central“, a spus Ele­na Filip, director de marketing Accelerole. More […]